
We accept the following payment methods through PayPal (The Most Safety Payment Gateway for Online Shopping):

PayPal payment system supports Mastercard, Visa, Credit Cards, Debit Cards and Bank Accounts

payments supported by PayPalMastercard payments supported by PayPal Visa payments supported by PayPalDebit Cards and Bank Accounts

PayPal Security & Privacy

Is PayPal safe to use?
PayPal protects your personal financial information with industry-leading security and fraud prevention systems. When you use PayPal (Credit Card or PayPal account), your personal financial information is not shared with any seller. Once your payment is completed, you will be emailed a receipt for this transaction from PayPal.

BBB Privacy Certification
The information practices of PayPal, Inc. have been reviewed and meet the standards of the Better Business Bureau's BBBOnline Privacy Program.

Note: This seal indicates that PayPal is a member of the BBB Online Privacy Program and in no way reflects any relationship a seller that uses the PayPal service may have with the Better Business Bureau.

PayPal Help Protect Your Account and Your Purchases

PayPal’s industry-leading fraud prevention measures and their one-of-a-kind method of keeping your personal financial information privacy from sellers & to make you a safe way to pay online. Plus, they offer the following to protect your purchases:

100% protection against unauthorized payments sent from your account.
With PayPal, you’re protected against unauthorized payments sent from your account.

  • PayPal sends an email confirmation of every account transaction.
  • If you receive confirmation of a transaction you don’t recognize, our 24/7 customer support team will help you sort out the situation.

Dispute resolution on PayPal purchases.

When you pay with PayPal (Credit Card or PayPal account), you gain access to a forum for dispute resolution called the Resolution Center. Through it, you can file a claim against:

  • A physical good that you paid for but never received.
  • A physical good you purchased that is significantly different than what was described in the listing.

Dispute Resolution specialists gather information about your transaction and help you resolve the issue. Throughout the process, you’ll be advised of your claim’s status via email and on your Account Overview page.